

Curious. Active. Passionate. Rebellious.

Just a few words to describe my experience coming of age in this world. I had big questions about life and not many answers. But from early on I could feel these questions leading me somewhere, though unsure of the destination, I took one step at a time.

Chapter 1 of my yoga story is sweet and simple. I was always an active person; I used to spend an hour on the elliptical, go to barre class, run races, go out and dance the night away on weekends. I ended up taking a few yoga classes by chance. I felt really good after a class one day and decided to sign up for a teacher training (I can be impulsive but sometimes it works out). 


And so it began.

When I met my teacher, Lesley Desaulniers, I thought, “Ahhh...so this is IT.” From the music, chanting, meditation and spiritual teachings it became clear to me that this challenging physical practice I’d come to love was just the tip of the iceberg. I came to recognize yoga as a rich, nuanced, energetic experience with the power to transform. 

I never considered myself an artist...but yoga teaching is my canvas. Teaching is where my creativity lives. My classes reflect my affection for a vigorous physical practice, love for music, and spiritual curiosity. My aim is to share the teachings that have meant so much to me and create a space for joy, transformation, and the endless gifts of a committed yoga practice.

My devotion to the practice has brought me to this beautiful place where I dance between teacher and student. I love it here.

My greatest teacher on this path has been my son Finn, who constantly reminds me of the magic that exists in the present moment.


Certifications and Education

300hr Ananda Vinyasa Teacher Training - Lesley Desaulniers

200hr Yoga Teacher Training - Yoga Tree San Francisco

Certified Integrative Health Coach - Institute of Integrative Nutrition

M.A. Counseling Psychology

B.A. Psychology

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